It's been such a long time...
Hello Friends,
Welcome to my birthday present to myself! For some time now I have been having an internal argument between my hyper-active brain and my hyper-lazy fingers. I used to really enjoy putting my random thoughts down in an email and sending it to all of my friends just to remind them that I'm still crazy after all these years. Well this seems like the logical next step. I hope to be committed to keeping it fresh but we shall see...committment has been an issue in the past.
To be honest, the idea originally started as a house joke. I told Normy and Jess that I was going to start a blog purely to relay Normy's quirky genius to the world. That will certainly be a part of it...but life at the Embassy will be a constant topic in here. As will life in Freddy, as will life in NB, life in Canada, and life in general. Well hopefully anyways...time will tell.
I will tell you this starting out though; the biggest disapointment I've had to deal with in the last little while was the realization that I had bought a Revello when I thought I bought a Fudgesicle. Pretty shitty but in relative terms I must be doing ok.
Pace out....
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