Wicked Come Winter
Oh Snap! As in cold snap.I blame Normy. Just last week we were talking about Back Home Weather and he swore that it never gets as cold as it used to. He swears that most of his childhood was spent in -40 degree temps with snowbanks up to his eyeballs. Well he's right about the snow, there is no accumulation here to speak of. And based on this year, he is right about the temp too, January was the warmest Canada has seen since they have kept records. But of course, talking about the shutout jinxes the shutout and Jack Frost snuck a snap in the short side. It isn't even that cold and it's not supposed to last. We have just been spoiled this year, at least in the temperature department. And although he won't admit it, I think we both miss the snow. He misses it because until we get a snowfall he can't back up his claim that snow makes noise when it falls. Maybe only Norwegians can hear snow falling....
I miss the snow because I would like to be able to emulate my favourite Olympic athletes. Now instead of pretending to be biathlete I am just going to be that nut walking around town shooting targets with a rifle. These games sure did sneak up on us...today is the Opening Ceremonies. To borrow a term from Matt Mays, I'm turbo-excited.
Go Canada!
I know Normy doesn't miss the snow because back in 96 he got his first ever face washing in a Burpee St. snow bank.
Since then he's never felt the same about snow.
He claims I was the recipient but we all know the truth about Normy not being able to stay on his feet.
All Norwegians can hear snow falling and we can identify crappy writing as well...this one's for Gyp Nor.
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