Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Back in Freddy

We won our final game in Edmonton against the Balmy Beach club from Toronto on Sunday morning. Our opposition decided to tank their weekend after they lost their first two games so by the time we faced off against them they were in pretty rough shape. We were not about to offer them any sympathy as we had spent far too much time and money to get ourselves to the event. Not to mention the fact that we felt a little unlucky to not have won one of our first two games. They didn't want to play us much and with good reason; we beat them 57 - 17.

Unfortunately that win only put us in 9th place. It is a bit of a quirk of the tournament set up but some teams that finished above us were 1 - 3 while we ended 2 - 2. No sour grapes though. We went to the tournament looking to earn some experience and respect. We gained both in spades. It was great to be able to play against teams we would otherwise have no opportunity to play against. And those teams knew they were in a game when they played us. I'm very proud of the way we played.

Also, we did manage to have some fun over the course of the five days we were there. It's nice to pretend to be a pro once in a while, even if we never found the groupies. Thanks for the good wishes.

So back to work now...today was essentially a Monday but at least it's a short week. If you need a Monday laugh I advise you to click here. Hilarious...check it.



At Thursday, May 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Si (and the rest of the Loyalists ruggers) can't tell you how proud I am of your exploits in the west.... you deserved a better fate and better finish... sounds like you all took this seriously and that bodes well for naother great season of watching from the birm.... and nice article in Bruce Hallihan's Gleaner colum today as well... quirk of the tourney seeding my ass... just pisses me off how you would go so well against the big guns and not get a better finsih somehow... respect indeed, but that's an old story in our Rugby nation... I say we offer to host ASAP and see how they like Northside Rugby!! Count me in on the organizing committee! three cheers, peter out

ps- great news on slippy's return and his expectant motherhood!!! is everyone pregnant or what?


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