Tuesday, January 16, 2007

One Day In Your Life

There is no denying it, I'm hooked. 24 is back and I'm hooked.
For a few years I have done well not to book any tv shows into my weekly schedule. Don't let that fool you into thinking that my tv time has diminished. It certainly has not. In fact, with the current cable package we have I can find something to watch at all times. But the list is basically as follows; random sports, real news, fake news and The Simpson's. But halfway through season 4 I was introduced to Jack Bauer at a time when the world needed a hero. Ah heck, I'll say it, dammit, I needed a hero. Of course it doesn't hurt that he is a Canadian citizen and his father was born in Saint John. It's comforting to know that the world will indeed be saved by a Canadian with NB roots. What's that? It's not real? Yeah you tell that to Curtis' family...heartless pricks.
Anyways, for those of you that, like me, have been wondering who would win between Jack Bauer and Chuck Norris, well, this site is dedicated to answering that very question. I don't like that it asks which is the truer "American Badass" when Jack (Keifer, whatever) is Canadian and Chuck clearly wishes he was Asian. I do, however, really like the fact that they play the WWJBD? vs WWCND? game because it reminds me how much I like to play that game too. I change it often but generally I bounce between living my life with the answers to WWB(Bucky)D?, WWW(Wheat)D? and WWN(Normy)D? I usually end up doing what Normy would do...so we end up watching 24.

Pace out.

PS - I would advise against trying WWSD? Trust me.


At Thursday, January 18, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only is the highest paid tv actor an offspring of a NB native, his grandfather is the great Tommy Douglas...what a family.



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