Monday, January 07, 2008

Have You Ever Seen The Rain

Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.

So just three days after I post about the winter wonderland that is Freddy Beach a warm wind blows in from the west and, quite literally, rains on my parade. I got out skiing yesterday so that fulfills my yearly quota but I hope to surpass that once the rain stops. Luckily there is too much snow for even a lot of rain to get rid of in the woods. But enough about the weather....

In an effort to brighten my mood I went looking for the funniest site on the web and was given not one but ten in this list of The 10 Funniest Sites on the Internet. I am particularly enthralled by The Subserviant Chicken, which they tell me is somehow a Burger King spokeperson...or spokeschicken.

Pace out.

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