Friday, March 14, 2008

Undone - The Sweater Song

At lunch time today Jackman went down to MacTavish's to pick up a new hockey stick for the SkillSoft Friday night pick up game. He found a nice stick with a Devon discount price tag and called it a deal. Once he got his fresh new wood in the car his travelling companion alerted him to a minor oversight. The stick Jackman bought was a model approved and certified by the great Mats Sundin. This would not have been a big deal if it wasn't for the fact that Jackman is a huge Senators fan and even more devoted Leaf hater. Quite a bind. At this point he is leaning towards keeping the stick but either taping over the mention of the name we shall not write, or charring the name (for the added voodoo effect).

This story immediately reminded me of the classic Canadian short story The Hockey Sweater (Le chandail de hockey) by Roch Carrier. As a Habs fan, I love this story and can absolutely relate to both it and Jackman's predicament. Here is the kick ass animated short:

"I asked God to send me, right away, a hundred million moths that would eat up my Toronto Maple Leafs sweater". Classic.

That story makes this song the obvious choice for Flashback Friday...amazingly it is now 15 years old:

Also classic.

Pace out.

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