Monday, May 05, 2008

The River Of Dreams

The picture below was taken on Friday and by yesterday afternoon that underpass was passable again.So just like that the worst of the flooding is over here in Freddy Beach. Now the cleanup begins and for many people it will be a very expensive cleanup indeed. The various levels of government have already begun their haggling to see who foots the bulk of the bill but hopefully they get it sorted out for the folks that need it most. I must reiterate that, from my perspective, the authorities did a wonderful job of keeping the public informed and allocating resources to minimize disruption and any sense of panic. Kudos again, whoever the hell you are (I would only know if they screwed up royally).

As I said on Friday, the annual thaw typically brings out the River City Gawkers and for this, the biggest flood of my lifetime, it brought out the biggest flood crowds of my lifetime. That also meant that there were thousands of photos and any number of videos. This one is probably the best one I saw but this one uses Iron Maiden so it gets the stamp of approval:
Many people have asked how things are at my place and they are fine. There was some minor damage to my back door but that can be attributed to a wintertime flood of rum rather than the spring freshet. The Rugby Club, given its locale, should have been in trouble but it turns out it's an island; Loyalist Island. It always felt that way to me anyays.That water is now gone as well and just like that it's time to get on the field and play again.

We get fairly used to the annual swelling around here; the waters rise and rise but usually fall. This year they kept rising and it was nightmare fuel for a few folks before it fell again this year. As it falls now the weather will warm, it will resume its leisurely pace and go back to being our river of dreams.

Sweet, sweet dreams.

Pace out.

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