Friday, June 06, 2008

The Lion Sleeps Tonight

Craiger sent me a link to a disturbing news story this afternoon. It appears that some wayward soul(s) has liberated the stone lions that used to guard innocent students at St. Dunstan's Elementary School from evil forces of all kinds. They did not do such a good job of guarding us from Mr. Burgoyne's strap. (depicted lion - not to scale)

The original stairs were removed when the grand old building was transformed from a school to an apartment building thus removing the lions' original perch. I'm not actually sure where they were situated when they were stolen but I can't figure out why someone would want to steal a pair of concrete lions. Unless of course they were looking to safeguard themselves from evil of all kinds. You'll get your strap too friend-o.

Pace out.



At Friday, June 13, 2008, Blogger Craig Allen said...

Must be sick when they bust that song out at a show


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