Friday, August 29, 2008

Summer's Gone

I am a firm believer that summer doesn't actually end until September 21st but the fact of the matter is that true summer fun kind of ends when the kids go back to school after Labour Day. There are still a busy 3 weeks ahead of us here in Freddy with the students back, the Frex in town, and then the Blues Festival which is, essentially, the real end of summer for me.

No matter when I feel it truly ends, now or in a few weeks, this summer is going to feel like it flew by. The Black Spruce season seems like an age ago now but it took place mostly in the spring. The crappy weather we had in early August was forgettable and therefore so was a good few weeks of summer. We can hope for a sunny fall but the shorter days mean its just not as good for summer fun.

Pace out.



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