Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Call Me When You're Sober

We've all done it at one time or another...picked up the phone and called someone when we probably shouldn't have. Typically it's pretty harmless and sometimes it turned out to be completely worthwhile. Sometimes though, like the time one of the boys stole my phone and sent a text message to an ex-girlfriend asking to get back together, they aren't so funny (at least at the time, to her boyfriend). Specifically for such cases, I've thought that a drunk dial detector would be a great idea on a cell phone. I'm still not sure how to make it work on a phone but it looks like Google came up with an idea to keep you from tipsy typing on gmail. I would say that this feature is another factor in my considering a move to gmail. If I could only trust that they aren't selling my internet habits to marketers.

When in doubt though, dial away!

Pace out.


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