Friday, December 19, 2008

Clap For The Wolfman

The best piece of news I heard this week, without question, was this glorious tidbit from the NFL: Tampa Bay Buccaneers second year defensive end Greg White had his name officially changed to Stylez G. White. The name in and of itself is cool enough but the back story is the kicker. Apparently young Greg was a big fan of the 80’s classic Teen Wolf and liked the name of one of the characters so much he took it as his own. For those of you who don’t recall the phenomenon that was Teen Wolf I urge you to take a look at this:

The answer is yes, they actually did make that movie. The Teen Wolf Dance is pure genius. It should be a wedding dance staple from this day forward. Make it so.

This revelation has caused me to some serious soul-searching. I’ve struggled to come to grips with which 80’s movie affected me enough to consider a name change. I briefly thought that Clark 'Mouth' Devereaux from The Goonies might be the best fit but he doesn't quite match my character. Instead, I have decided that stoic but soulful likability of the best name in Revenge of the Nerds suits me best (and no boys I don't mean Stan Gable). I have decided to change my name to U.N. Jefferson Pacey.

In honour of this occasion here is the best song from one of the best movies ever made:

Oh man, what a movie. As an added bonus check the clips here, here and here. Oh and the absolute best, here.

Based on these clips I could really change my name to Stan Gable, Dudley Dawson, or countless others.

Man I miss the '80's.

Pace out.



At Saturday, December 20, 2008, Blogger Lindsay & Geoff said...

Nice try, Si. We still aren't going to call you Stan Gable.



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