Monday, February 02, 2009

Out of the Shadows

Groundhog Day! My favourite non-holiday holiday. Almost purely because of Bill Murray and this movie.

I also enjoy it because it is one of the most contrived events of any year. Don't get me wrong, I love the tradition of it, but, come on, regardless of whether or not the Shubenacadie Sam or Wiarton Willie see their shadows we are in for 6 more weeks of winter. We're in (East of the Coast Mountains) Canada, its February 2nd, there is no way in hell we aren't getting 6 more weeks of winter. How could anyone even argue that they have ever been right. Environment Canada agrees.

Luckily, as I said the other day, we keep busy in winter. Today, for example, I will be heading to my Grand-father Desmond Pacey's memeorial lecture at UNB. It's a history prof talking about a book he's written on another history prof. If nothing else it will a good place to have a nap and dream about a dream about a dream about waking up in a dream. Follow me? Me neither...

Pace out.



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