Thursday, October 29, 2009

Cry Wolf

I got my seasonal flu shot today, the same week that the provincial government is rolling out its H1N1 vaccine plan. I am not sure that I will get the vaccine because I don't think I quite fall into the danger zones. I have, nevertheless, been fascinated by the debate the program has caused. It is a testament to the information age in which we live that so many people would have an opinion, and a platform to deliver it, on a public health matter. It is a good thing; those that want to be informed have informed arguments to view. And while I would agree that the media has blown the threat of H1N1 out of proportion relative to its spread so far, that should not mean we don't need to be vigilant. I took a history course called The History of Disease and we studied the 1918 flu outbreak. More people died from the flu in 1918=1919 than did in World War 1. This threat may be no different than the bird flu of a few years ago but that does not mean we should be prepared.

I think I will check those ages again and then probably ask my doctor.

Pace out.


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