Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Cult of Personality

I caught a nice glimpse of democracy at work tonight. I was at the Fredericton Inn and unbeknownst to me I had accidentally walked into a Federal political rally. Stephen Harper and his handlers were in town to pump up the troops for the upcoming election. Now, I really hold no political affiliation and I'm sure I would have been struck with the same feelings if I was watching Paul Martin strut around but I couldn't help but question the integrity of these rallies. It seems less like an effective means of a politician delivering his message to a community and much more like a scripted media event. The folks that show up aren't there so much to listen to ideas and opinions as they are to make noise for the cameras. I seriously wonder what Mr. Harper could have said to bring silence over the crowd. "My first act as PM would be to lower the GST to 5%" - "RAAAAAAHHHHHHH!"; "My second act as PM would be to legalize beastiality" - "RAAAAAAHHHHHH!". I really don't even think they are listening. A couple of nights ago I saw someone on tv deliver the pull-away-hand-through-the-hair-fake-shake and I when I saw Stephen walking through the lobby I flashed to the tv coverage of me pulling that off on him during the glad-handing. Now THAT would be good tv! I gotta do that more...that's gold.

Anywho, I don't mean to condemn the system; it's the best we've got and ideas absolutely need to be debated; I just hate the bullshit. It's obviously not feasible but the picture below is really the only true democracy - direct democracy. And FYI politicos - I would raise my hand for any party basing their platform on the High Noon Sex Bell.


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