Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Ring of Fire

Bonfire at the Club

November 5th is Guy Fawkes Day - I would try to explain it to you but it would take too much time and I would probably be making alot of it up anyways. So rather than mis-inform you I'll just give you the link. If you want to know what it's all about then click here. Our motives were purely secular(I swear to God!); we replaced the fence at the rugby club last year and the old one had been drying in the parking lot all year and needed to be removed...in spectacular fashion. So we (or more specifically Malcolm "the Burninator" MacAfee) stacked it into the perfect burning cone and sparked it up(interesting trivia - the term bonfire did not come from the evolution of burning cone fire to bonefire to bonfire as you might expect but instead came from the Acadian coast of New Brunswick where pyro frenchmen have been saying "Bon Fire Esti" since before the expulsion). The fire, as you can see, was indeed a good one. We put the fire out at 11pm with almost everything burnt out. This shall now be a Loyalist tradition we just aren't sure if it will be every November 5th or the day after our last game. I'll keep you posted.

Now for those of you that did read the wiki you will know that Guy Fawkes conspired to burn down the British Parliament, essentially just a fella trying to stick it to the man. So in honour of Guy Fawkes I am not going to pay my cell phone bill until I get paid. Take that Rogers!

Fight the power.


At Wednesday, November 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Pacey:

You need to post a little more often........gonna lose your audience..........and that would not be "dirty hot" would it?.....
think about it.................

ps. you foe


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