Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Reggae Christmas

Tis (now) the season.

In response to rabid commercialism and rapid weight gain I decided last year that I would not get in the holiday spirit until the 20th of December. Well, the Victoria Secret Pop Up Advent Calender on my desk says the 20th so it's time to get in the mood. This means I can now start my Christmas shopping (the DVD player I bought on the weekend was for me and therefore does not count) and I can also start drinking various things mixed with egg nog. Last year I gained 20lbs in the 6 weeks between the end or rugby season and Christmas and I, rightly or wrongly, attribute that mostly to chicken milk. I'm going to start by watching It's a Wonderful Life ASAP. And I may also watch this video over and over again:
This songs includes a special Merry Christmas shout out to the girls over at the DHB because I know they're gonna dig it. It's up there with Mistress for Christmas as nouveau-holiday classics that have slipped under the radar and should get more air time than anything Mariah Carey might cough up.


Paul Reubens


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