Thursday, December 07, 2006

We Built This City

So this may be a bit of a convaluted story but you should probably be used to that sort of thing by now. Craiger sent me this list of the Top (or is it Bottom) 50 Worst Songs of All Time. The list starts off well enough, although that particular Celine Dion warble could have easily cracked my top 10. There are some hiccups throughout and as we get to the top there are some decisions that I would consider very questionable. But I'll get to that later. The song that left me thinking "how could you choose this song over that song" was Rico Suave by Gerardo and the song that it made me think of was Are You Jimmy Ray? by, well, Jimmy Ray. They both suck royally and hearing one of them makes me think of the other. Hearing Jimmy Ray also makes me think of a good story.
Back in 1998 I went on a trip to play 7's. At the tournament in Paris they had somehow mispelled my name Simon Rey in the program. This was shortly after Are You Jimmy Ray? was a hit and, inevitably, this came back to haunt me. The night the tournament ended we hit the town and the boys were nice enough to start an impromptu rendition of Are You Simon Rey? in the Hotel Sofitel lobby. They tried to convince me to get it tatooed on my shoulder but I thought better of it. I thought Jimmy Ray may have been a one-hit wonder.
So maybe it's not a great story but hey that song really sucks. Equal to Rico Suave. Frankly, though, I think that both of those are worse than the one they rated the worst; We Built this City by Starship. The song may be monumentally bad but it really does typify the 80's and the good memories of Fisher's personal rendition keep it far from the bottom.

Good list.

Simon Rey


At Tuesday, December 12, 2006, Blogger Lindsay & Geoff said...

I love that the Doors are on there. Man, I hate the Doors.


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