Hit The Road Jack
Let's hope the old adage for March weather holds true and it really does go out like a lamb; because it certainly has come in like a lion. A really effin' cold lion. After a late February temperature spike March arrived with a Arctic Cold Front which, sadly, was not accompanied by flurries of passion. This cold front was actually one of those viscious snaps where the poor weatherperson has to tell us to expect a HIGH of -15 and a low, with windchill, of -35. Why do we live here again? Oh that's right, no poisonous snakes. Small consolation; I frankly wouldn't mind recovering from a snakebite in a temperate, and oceanfront, hospital. In these situations some people head south to warmer climes to drink until they forget that they have to go back to the Great White North. As for me, well, I fall into another category of people altogether. I will be travelling south but only as far as Turbo Nova Scotia to gather in a freezing cold horse barn to smash myself around playing something distantly related to rugby. It's not the Caribbean but that is where the rum will come from. That's something right?Pray for me.
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