School Spirit
Well the good news is that my April Fool's joke sailed right over Tony Li's head and he showed up for our group presentation last night. The bad news is that his english is a work in progress and choosing him to open our group presentation may have been seen as a cruel joke to our prof. Having said that, I am positive that he found the group's choice of yours truly to handle the financials of our fictional company even more of a joke. It was all good any smart money man did, I paid him off.And with that the course is over. We got our final exam back and I am looking at a solid B+. As a mature student (yes, I use the term loosely, jerkwads) a B in an introductory course is basically the mark you should get with even a minimal amount of work being done. I don't totally fall into this category. I made an effort to make it to class and take good notes. I also made an effort not to let me team down in our group work...and I think I succeeded in this with no small thanks to Normy's help (and possible genius - I may have learned more in one afternoon with the Stormer than I did in my whole ADMIN 2313 class, no offence to Mr. Nevers.) This should be my last course; I may soon be a unibearsity graduate. Cross your fingers and I'll keep you posted.
Either way, I'm going to last class bash.
Pace out.
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