Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Big Country

After it won big at the Oscars on Sunday night I decided I should probably go and check out No Country For Old Men. Thanks to Cormac McCarthy it was a very good story; thanks to the Coen brothers it was visually impressive, well paced, with great dialogue; and thanks to a great cast it was full of great performances. Anton Chigurh is one of the coolest bad guys in recent memory. And his hair is awesome. The movie is ultraviolent but hard to look away from. It's kind of like the Southwest version of Fargo with the addition of one crazy mother-fucker.

Speaking of Anton's hair; the coolest thing I learned all week was that the man who created it was a New Brunswicker. Paul Leblanc is a hairdresser from Dieppe who has been in the film business for year and actually won an Oscar for Amadeus in the 80's. Pretty cool.

Pace out.

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