Friday, May 09, 2008

We Built This City

While election fever is gripping Saint John, the race here in Freddy has been a little more subdued. There are signs around and the Gleaner had the two mayoral candidates on the front page today, but there doesn't seem to be any hot button issues that are going to drive people to the polls. I'm undecided, and like most men in a democracy, would rather describe my bowel movements then divulge my voting tendencies, but I will make take some time to learn about the candidates over the weekend and make my way to the polls on Monday.

These elections tend to be more contentious when things aren't going so hot; the fact is things are pretty good in Freddy right about now. There is still lots of work to be done but we on a pretty good run.

Nevertheless, someone has to do this work and for that they should be commended. And for some reason this topic reminds me of this song:

That one's for you Fish, wherever you are.

Pace out.

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