Thursday, December 25, 2008

Go Tell it on the Mountain

I awoke this Christmas morning to the sound of this song playing on the radio. The song has a bit of added meaning to me today because on Tuesday night I was struck with a flu bug and spent the next 12 hours alternately shivering and sweating, belching and wretching. Lovely picture I know. During the hours of 2 and 5 am on Christmas Eve I felt, to dramatize it a lot, that I was at death's door. I made peace with it and accepted my fate. What can I say, I haven't been sick in a really long time? I stayed in bed all morning, whipped out to do my Christmas shopping and was back in bed for the evening. When I awoke in the morning feeling just about right my first thought was Hallelujah! Then this song came on and I got it. Go tell it on the mountain, I feel better, I can properly celebrate a Carleton County Christmas! My prayers were answered!

Now we are set to make the trek up to Sister Christmas in Bristol and I'm feeling reborn.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. I went to church a couple of years ago on Christmas Eve and was reminded that my favourite part of any church visit is when you get to shake hands with your pew neighbours and say "Peace be with you". As a little inside joke with myself I liked to think I was saying "Pace be with you" but today I think I will stick with the original.

Peace be with you!

For a couple of other great versions of this song check here and here.


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