Friday, August 28, 2009

Video Killed the Radio Star

Muchmusic turns 25 this week. Somehow I would have thought it was even a little bit older, I guess mainly because MTV was launched 3 years earlier. We didn't get MTV at the time though, so for us, Muchmusic was the first.

It was decidedly Canadian. It was low-budget, the hosts were huge dorks, and the first song the ever played was The Enemy Within by Rush. When it was launched, and for a decade afterwards, it was the likely stop if there was nothing else on TV. There were only 20 some channels at that time so it was a regular stop; plua Erica Ehm was hot. At some point MTV became available in Canada but they stopped showing videos around the same time. The same thing has since happened to Much. Maybe that's why they dropped the 'music' from the name. It's very rare these days that you can actually turn it on and find a video playing.

Back in the day, though, it was actually pretty great. Campy maybe, but great.

Pace out.

PS - here is the actual footage of the launch.


At Tuesday, September 01, 2009, Blogger Craig Allen Agency said...

Simon you are right...Erica Ehm was hot.

Much Music was very cool in the day and it is embarrassing how much they have changed. Seems like it is pure celebrity gossip now.

Some of the best stuff they ever had on came from this guy:

What a nut.


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