Monday, December 29, 2008


Here's an interesting Christmas coincidence that will act as an acceptable segue into my Picture of the Year announcement. On Christmas Eve, after recouping in bed for the best part of the day, I used my competitive juices to slide me out of bed and over to North's for our annual Christmas Eve Trivial Pursuit matchup. As usual, he made it to the middle first but couldn't close it out without even a middling level of general sports knowledge. I won it on a question about Hank Aaron that he would not have gotten in a million years.

As I got set to leave he gave me a Christmas present (which was great but sucked because I didn't give him anything but an ass-kicking) of a few albums from Backstreet Records. Among them was Paul Simon's There Goes Rymin' Simon which contains, among other great songs, Kodachrome. The next day Will gave me another stack of records and among them was Paul Simon's Live Rhymin'. Shortly after that my sister gave me a new digital camera and I will never have to plead to keep my film. Mama don't take my memory card awaaaaay maybe? For those of you that check this site regularly it should mean some more and better photos of me not looking at the camera. Stay tuned.

And for your current viewing pleasure I give you what I will deem to be this year Picture of the Year but what may also go down as one of the all-time greats of yours truly.

This picture has been on the bulletin board in my bedroom since, well, probably since the time it was clipped from the Gleaner in 1980. Ever since it has been a source of amusement and especially so now. Jackman remembered this photo from our high school days and we have joked that Enjoys Cotton Candy is just simple enough to sum up my hopes and dreams. I have asserted that it will likely be what goes on my gravestone. Time will tell.

Jackman recently asked dad to scan it and dad did so and sent it to Jackman. Jackman sent it to me and that's when we realized the never-before-noticed hilarity of the shot. The Cotton Candy does indeed look like a giant wang that I am thoroughly enjoying. Fuck.

Oh well, I can picture a bunch of editors in a smoky haze laughing it up as they send this one to print. Assholes.

You love it.

Pace out.



At Monday, January 05, 2009, Blogger Trish said...

I'm actually giggling out loud here in a very quiet office! That picture is hilarious, your comments about it even more so :)


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