Friday, September 18, 2009

Hurt So Bad

I made the mistake today of reading some friend's facebook status' and letting them tell me just what I was missing while I was in Newfoundland for last night's practice. Everyone raved about Susan Tedeschi's show so I went on a quick YouTube tour and found out that it appears I missed good one.

Sing it Susan:

There should be no surprise; she is married to Derek Trucks so she's got some cred. She also has some extra cred from me because I noticed her name in Diane's album collection years ago. Speaking of people I missing...Tonight is the Downtown Blues Band's regular midnight slot and, although I just can't enjoy them quite as much without Diane, I still love seeing them and the fact that Barry Hughes continues to put her feather boa on his cymbal. It's still her festival to me; which makes it doubly wonderful that, for the third straight year, Will's band, T-BonE, is playing a couple of gigs at the festival. Again, speaking of things I'm missing...

Pace out.


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