Sunday, June 25, 2006


This is one of the first best pictures of the earth from space. It was taken on an Apollo mission as the spacecraft rounded the dark side of the moon. The image captivated the globe and changed, quite literally, how the world saw itself. It was featured in a movie I saw today called An Inconvenient Truth.

Although the movie seems alot like an early and extended presidential campaign ad from Al Gore it is an eye-opening documentary on global warming. It is actually billed as a global warning and it delivers on that. Gore traces the roots of the study of global warming and follows the story right up to the weather anomolies that appear to be related. The numbers are scary and I would urge you to check it out. Also you can got most of the info that it outlines by clicking here.

The movie is timely a)because we are at a fairly crititcal point in the future of the planet and b)because Canada has recently become the third advanced country to back out of the Kyoto Protocol after the U.S. and Australia. The government has yet to outline their alternate plans to reduce greenhouse gases. That's not a good sign; I thought that when I heard it earlier this week and after seeing this movie I know that there isn't a whole lot of time to dally.

Pace out



At Sunday, June 25, 2006, Blogger The Dean's said...

Where is the c) in that list?

At Monday, June 26, 2006, Blogger Hammy said...

Earth good... Global warming bad... Would like to write more but I have to get to bed so I can drive my expedition 10 hours north tomorrow. Guess I don't practice what I preach! Hope all is well with you guys back East.


At Monday, June 26, 2006, Blogger Lindsay & Geoff said...

Yeah, I agree with The Dean's. Every list needs a 'C', just ask Normy. Or is Hammy the original list giver? Maybe that's where Normy got it from.

P.S. I appreciate the double Floyd reference.


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